New Ottoman Part III,passing-across Aleppo, Mosul, Kirkuk
Nineveh's Guards and the Euphrates Shield are sanctuaries for the remnants of IS and the Kurds burned the Ottoman Caliphate's cards on their borders
The historical resistance in Kobani made the Turkish presence through IS collapses and all its future plans in the region collapsed , Manbij liberated then and capital of the Caliphate alleged al-Raqqa then liberated by Syria's Democratic Forces in the international coalition to fight terrorism as an active key force on the ground.
Erdogan and his government have been quick to deliver areas of influence in both Syria and Iraq in exchange for blitzing against the Kurds and hit democratic project, which gathered around the peoples of the region, thus he lost the dictatorship project internally, regionally and internationally.
Successive concessions and return from the dream in exchange for elimination the project of northern Syria people ..
In Syria, at the end of 2016, the Ottoman delivered the whole Aleppo in the biggest loss and blow in Syria, before the remaining of Homs, Hama, Palmyra, and the western and northern suburbs of the capital, Damascus, for both Russia and Iran during the years 2014-2015. And signed "forced and vindictive" economic agreements for Russian gas Russian gas and the purchase of weapons at the expense of confidence and the relationship with American and NATO.
This was accompanied by a change in its position on the survival of Assad in power to send a presidential delegation to Damascus in August 2016 to ease pressure and work to reach consensus at the expense of the Kurds and hit their federal project, and put an end to the remaining mercenaries inside Syrian by Russia, All these concessions and successive losses.
Erdogan, under the leadership of his intelligence, formed a new bloc of mercenaries and remnants of the so-called "Euphrates Shield" today, at the end of April 2015, as a refuge for its scattered and scattered terrorists, as a result of the blows of Syrian Democratic Forces and their withdrawals from Russian-Turkish deals. And collect them in Jrablis and Azaz and Idlib.
In Iraq, Turkey was eager to take part in the battle of Mosul to protect its presence and tools on the ground, and sent more than 2,000 additional troops to the Baasheqa camp loaded with heavy equipment and weapons before the start of the military operation in October 2016.
But he waived his participation under his agreement with Russia and Iran in the extradition of Aleppo, which came into force at the end of 2016, provided that the participation of both the Kurdish Peshmerga and the resistance units of Shangal, which was able to liberate most of their areas in Shangal
Erdogan lost Mosul and l Aleppo and stayed at Baashiqa mountain, to gather remnants of the Turkmen militias and the Sunni clans and Baathist militants affiliated with him in the form of a new formation called "Nineveh Guards" led by Athil Nujaifi, the governor of Mosul and the former required to the Iraqi Supreme Court on the issue of handing over the city to IS!
The third alternative failed, direct Turkish intervention to prove its defeat in the war and its surrender to the dominant powers.
In Iraq, the liberation of Mosul preceded the publication of the newspaper ( Diriliş) pro-Justice and Development Party map showing link to areas of control of Barzanî, Mosul and Kirkuk within his states in Iraq under the name of "the Melli Charter," and then Erdogan spoke, pointing out that he will participate strongly in the battle to liberate Mosul. !
But the Mosul battle began without the participation of Turkey and its mercenaries, and ended with the liberation of all the areas Erdogan dreamed of in Mosul. The central government did not recognize the Nineveh security forces that supported, trained and financed by Turkey away from the sovereignty of the Iraqi government and its ministry.
The Kurds, far from Turkish and Iranian exploitation and subordination, have in this stage consolidated their presence with the central government and its federal laws in Shangal, Kirkuk and the entire province of Sulaymaniya to form a barring strip that permanently destroys the hopes of the Ottomans in Iraq, especially in the Kurdish areas.
In Syria, the beginning of the deviation of the Syrian revolution and dropping it in Serê Kaniyé battle end of 2012, where Turkey collected more than 80 Syrian armed factions backed by foreign terrorists in the ranks of Jbhat al-Nasra and Ahrar al-Sham and focused their guns at the Kurds in Serê Kaniyé, to record its first loss there when the force of the Kurds did not exceed a thousand fighters, to continue till the epic of Sheikh Maqsoud and Kobani and the liberation of Manbij and al-Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor.
Turkey's concerns over the development of the situation in favor of their project in Syria's federation and the disappearance of the Syrian society away from external and regional exploitation led to the campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Kurds, which started in Tel Hasil and Tel Arran in August 2013 and made war only against them in Syria.
Where thousands of terrorists from different countries joined the ranks of the Jabhat al-Nasra and Liwa al-Tawhid and Ahrar al-Sham led by his intelligence and delivered them to IS.
Today, he himself and his army enter Syria after all these losses and concessions as evidence of his great political, military and economic loss at the regional and international levels.
Tomorrow: al-Shahba and Afrin are bits which Russia left them for Erdogan "tactically" to destabilize NATO's strategy in Syria ..
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