On the eve its 3rd conference, what did MSD achieve for Syrian peoples?
The Syrian Democratic Council (MSD) is preparing to hold its 3rd ordinary conference to enhance its role in resolving the Syrian crisis and to organize its structure to include all the areas of northern Syria.
The Syrian Democratic Council was established in December 9, 2015 after the Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) called for holding a conference for the Syrian opposition under the slogan, "Together towards Building a Free and Democratic Syria." The establishment of the Syrian Democratic Council coincided with al-Riyadh Conference in Saudi Arabia for the groups that call themselves the Syrian opposition which emerged from a supreme body to negotiate with the regime in Syria in order to reach a peaceful political solution to the Syrian issue which has been ongoing for five years.
At the end of the conference, the establishment of a new political body named the Syrian Democratic Council (MSD) was announced, as the political paper adopted at the conference stated that the Syrian Democratic Council is a Syrian democratic, national and political project that works to include all the social components and political entities in this crucial stage.
The importance of the council
The Syrian Democratic Council is considered a Syrian national, democratic and political umbrella that consists of a group of political forces, parties, popular and cultural sides and Syrian national figures. It is an open framework for all organizations and political figures who believe in its vision and documents, as well as for all the social components and political entities at this crucial and special stage in order to assume their responsibilities in saving Syria and achieving the aspirations of the Syrian people for the essential peaceful change and building the secular democratic system.
The council's tasks
MSD, with its civil and political forces and legal personalities, is fighting political battles for the country's transition from violence, tyranny and extremism to the state of Syrian law.
The organizational structure of MSD
The organizational structure of MSD consists of several bodies and committees, the most prominent of which is the presidential body which consists of 13 to 15 members. In addition to the joint presidency, the presidential body serves as the executive leadership body for MSD work Syria and follows up the decisions of its conferences and political bodies.
It is elected by the political body for a one-year session. It is accountable to the political body and the general assembly of the council. It meets every 15 days at least or whenever the need. Two Vice-Presidents of the Joint Presidency must be elected by the members of the Presidency who assume the functions of the Joint Presidency in the event of their absence and inability to attend.
The political body
The political body consists of representatives of the components of the Council during the General Conference composed of 43 to 50 members, the political body represents the will of the Council between the two conferences and the formation of local or regional councils in the provinces and workplaces possible and is considered a legislative and executive body at the same time.
The joint presidency which is the speaker of the council, represents and presides over the work of the Governing Body as well as the political body, leads the two bodies, and is elected by the conference.
The organizational mechanism of the work of the council's offices
The presidential body depends on a group of central offices operating within its competencies according to the mechanism of institutional work and in direct coordination with the presidential body and the joint presidency to achieve the objectives set for it. It is open to work before all the members of the Syrian Democratic Council. Each office has its own internal regulation, after the approval of the presidential body, and each office is headed by a member of the governing body, while any party or stream in addition to the independent figures who believe in political solution can join the Syrian Democratic Council, while the membership is dropped for anyone who goes beyond the basic principles of the council.
The achievements of the council during the previous years
MSD was able, after two years of continuous work, to achieve great achievements. The council was able to hold several meetings inside and outside the country, through which the council reached some objectives for the peace process within the Syrian cities. Most notably al-Raqqa Civil Council, al-Tabqa Council, Manbij Council and Deir ez-Zor Civil Council, as these councils were able to rehabilitate the cities that were almost completely destroyed by IS mercenaries while the councils provided all the potential services, medical and other services to the people of North Syria.
MSD is preparing to hold its 3rd ordinary conference to be able to reorganize the council's structure to include all areas of the north of Syria and to provide better aid to the people of northern Syria.
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