YPG Disclosed 3 martyrs' record

The media center of the People's Protection Units (YPG) revealed the record of 3 fighters who were martyred in the second stage of Resistance of the Age in Afrin canton.

The media center of the People's Protection Units issued today a statement to the public opinion, in which it revealed the record of 3 fighters, who were martyred in the second stage of the Resistance of the Age.

The units expressed their condolences to the families of the three martyrs and pledged to follow their path and achieve the goal they were martyred for. The units also appreciated the role of the martyrs in standing in front of the Turkish occupation army and they killed many Turkish soldiers.

The record of the martyrs:

The nom de guerre: Êrîş Amed

The real name : Vedat Erol

The mother's name : Sûveyla

The father's name: Yusif

The place and date of martyrdom: Afrin / Rajo / July 7, 2018


The nom de guerre: Hîvda Harun Barav

The real name : Hatîce Kaya

The mother's name : Nesîme

The father's name: Ehmed

The place and date of martyrdom: Afrin / Rajo / July 7, 2018


The nom de guerre: Serhildan Mêrdîn

The real name : Mehmed Sidik Ay

The mother's name : Xezal
The father's name: Hisên

The place and date of martyrdom: Afrin / Rajo / July 7, 2018



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