39 Turkish soldiers killed in Guerilla operations

39 Turkish soldiers killed in operations carried out by Guerrilla forces against Turkish army in different areas in Bakur Kurdistan


The media center of Popular Defense Forces(HPG) issued a written statement revealed in which the outcome of the operations carried out by their forces in Giver and Celê related to Colemêrg State and Qilban district related Şirnexê and Qisli district related to Dirsem. 
Operation against a military convoy of the Turkish occupation
The statement pointed out that their forces carried out at 05:00 on June 21 a special operation against a military convoy of the Turkish occupation army consisting of 30 vehicles in the village of Jamie Badly, when it headed to Celê district and resulting in  the destruction of 3 machineries according to information in this operation 33 elements.
Two Special Forces killed in a special operation
On the same day, the Turkish occupation army launched an attack on the area, using armored vehicles. In the meantime, our forces carried out a special operation against the Turkish Special Forces in the area. The operation resulted in the killing of two Turkish special units and the wounding of others.
On June 20, three members of the Turkish occupation army were killed and their armored vehicles were destroyed in an operation carried out by our forces against the Turkish occupation army .
On June 20, our forces carried out an operation against the Sink post in the area of ​​Qilban district in Şernax. The number of dead and wounded during the operation was not known.
In the context of the revolutionary campaign of the martyrs Ouzan and Roza, our forces carried out an operation on  June 21 against an undercover unit of the Turkish occupation army in the Martyr Dalil area of ​​Qusli district in Dirsem and the operation resulted in the killing of 1 element of Turkish occupation army.


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