Gerîla TV publishes new action footage
Gerîla TV has published footage from the action carried out in Şemdinli on June 3 where 4 soldiers died.
The footage published today on Gerîla TV were taken in the Boxaza Çeta (Gangs Strait) in the Bezelê region of Hakkari's Şemdinli district on June 3.
HPG Press Center had announced that 4 soldiers had died while 3 others were wounded in said action.
The guerillas targeted Turkish soldiers positioned on a hill in the action.
Çalakiya Boxaza Çeta, Şemzînan – Colemêrg, 3'ê Hezîranê 2018
Çalakiya Geliyê Elî Dirêj, Çekên Hatine Rakirin 31 Gulanê 2018
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