MMC revealed details of coalition's delegation visit to Manbij city
The General Command of Manbij Military Council and its countryside issued a statement detailing what was discussed by the delegation of the International Alliance to Manbij city yesterday and the discussions that took place during the meeting which gathered the Council with the delegation.
The text of the statement which was published on the official website of the Manbij Military Council(MMC) included:
"MMC's leadership "received a high-level delegation from the International Alliance in Manbij on June 21 2018, the delegation included the commander of the US Central Command, General Joseph Votel, and the commander of US special forces in Syria and Iraq, General Jimmy Gerrad and Assistant Secretary of Defense ,and a closed meeting with the media was also attended by officials of the Civil Democratic Administration in Manbij. The meeting was preceded by a field tour of the delegation in the city, where it briefed on the situation of the people, and held meetings with the owners of shops and people in the streets.
During the meeting, the delegation affirmed their satisfaction with the security and stability enjoyed by Manbij and the success of the Civil Administration in maintaining security about two years ago. He said that the international coalition is keen to maintain security and stability in the city and that they have long-term plans to continue supporting the Council and joint projects to maintain the security and stability of the city, and that it will not allow Turkish troops to enter the city.
They also confirmed that the Turkish patrols will be on Sajor line from the Jrablos side and the patrols of the international coalition will be from the southern side under the control MMC in order to prevent any violations and avoid any direct clashes between the two sides .
MMC's commanders and officials of the Civil Administration assured the their satisfaction with the assurances provided by the international coalition and the American officials, and that the views were identical on the importance of maintaining security and stability in Manbij. All statements made by Turkish officials about the entry of their Syrian forces or mercenaries working under The leadership of the Turkish army is incorrect ,Turkey is trying to promote through the media to invest the Manbij file as a victory for the government of justice and development in the current presidential elections".
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