ISIS executes eight Dutch jihadis in Raqqa for attempting dissidence

ARA News

QAMISHLI – Radical group of the Islamic State (ISIS) executed on Tuesday eight of its own militants on charges of “high treason”, local sources in Syria’s northeastern Raqqa province reported.

Eight Dutch nationals, who had joined the ranks of ISIS last year, were publicly executed at the hands of fellow ISIS jihadis in central Raqqa.

“The militants were arrested at a checkpoint on Friday while trying to escape Raqqa. After interrogations, they were convicted of high treason for attempting dissidence,” media activist Sarwat Abdullah told ARA News in Raqqa.

The ISIS-led Sharia Court has ordered the execution of the eight foreign militants in public.

“The eight jihadis, who were identified as Dutch nationals, were shot dead in front of hundreds of people on Tuesday evening,” the source reported. “Senior ISIS commanders were among the crowd to witness the execution.”


This comes just three days after a Belgian member of ISIS was executed by the radical group after being convicted of ‘high treason’ for attempting dissidence and trying to escape the group’s territory without permission.

An activist from the campaign “Deir ez-Zor Is Being Slaughtered Silently”, which documents daily incidents in the ISIS-held eastern Syrian province, told ARA News that the man was arrested last week while trying to escape Deir ez-Zor. “After interrogations, ISIS accused the Belgian man of attempting dissidence and convicted him of high treason,” the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“The group beheaded him on Friday after a Sharia official read a statement to the public, explaining the background of his case and how he tried to escape his duty of fighting the enemies of the Caliphate,” the local activist told ARA News.

Earlier on Thursday, Tunisian man and his Chechen wife, who had joined the ISIS ranks in Syria last year, were captured on the Turkish border while trying to desert the group and flee Syria. “They were detained while trying to cross into Turkey in a bid to desert the group,” media activist Nassir Taljbini told ARA News in Jarablus.

“The Tunisian jihadi has reportedly married the Chechen woman a few months ago after they met in Raqqa. They were transferred to Jarablus last month in order to serve as guards for an ISIS Emir (prince). There have been suspicions about their movements, but they were eventually arrested before leaving Syria,” the informed source told ARA News.

The jihadi couple has been referred to the Sharia Court for interrogations subsequent to their arrest on Thursday midnight. The ISIS-led Sharia Court usually orders the beheading of any dissidents on charges of ‘high treason’.  

Dozens of other ISIS members have been arrested and executed on similar charges in the ISIS-held territories in Syria and Iraq over the last two years.  

Reporting by: Ahmed Shiwesh

Source: ARA News
Militants of the Islamic State and local supports gather in Raqqa suburb. File photo

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