Security measures taken by HPC to protect Afrin
AFRIN- The commander in Society Protection Forces ( HPC) Dijwar Firat Mirdi assured that thousands of their forces are ready to head for frontlines to support People Protection Units and Women Protection Units( YPG, YPJ) warning Turkish occupation government from incursion’s repercussion.
Turkish occupation intensifying their attacks on Afrin and al-Shahba cantons, Afrin people and its district are on alert to repel any attack, HPC have deployed its members through Afrin canton and its districts and people have been organized by communes.
Hawar news agency held an interview with the Society Protection Forces commander Dijwar Firat Mirdi in Afrin canton about the measures taken to defend Afrin canton’s people and support provided to YPG, YPJ.
Firat Mirdi pointed out that the aim of Turkish occupation and its mercenaries’ attacks is dividing the Syrian lands, spreading seditions amongst the coexisting peoples, and changing the demography of the region.
Mirdi added” for 6 years, the mercenary gangs in Syria, particularly IS have been supported by the Justice and Development Party headed by Erdogan to fight YPG, YPJ, these attempts failing, they turned to supporting IS to fight Syrian Democratic Forces in al-Raqqa”.
We will not allow them approach the canton
Mirdi also said that Society Protection Forces are fully prepared to defend al-Shahba and Afrin canton” we as HPC have been engaged in all battlefields in al-Shahba and Afrin canton to support YPG, YPJ to deter Turkish occupation, we will not allow them approach the canton lands”.
People increasingly joining HPC
Mirdi added that after attacks and shelling increased on the canton’s villages and al-Shahba areas by the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries, dozens of the canton’s people have joined the ranks of HPC to defend their land and stand by the YPG, YPJ.
Thousands are ready to defend the canton
Firat Mirdi pointed out that the Society Protection Forces comprise different components which are stationed at the back fronts liberated by YPG, YPJ in the area, noting that thousands of their forces are ready to protect the area and are ready to pass to the frontlines.
The commander in HPC Dijwar Firat Mirdi concluded appealing to Afrin canton people to join the HPC ranks to defend their canton against any Turkish army mercenaries’ attacks.
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