Breaking News

Civilian martyerd , Wounded another by Shelling Turkish Occupation

AFRIN – A civilian was matyred and another injured by the shelling of the Turkish occupation on one of  Afrin’s villages using heavy weapons.

Afrin has been under attack since 50 days ,And Afrin canton has been witnessing since Saturday morning shelling artillery and warpalnes on the inhabited areas

According to the correspondent ‘s (ANHA)from the region, the indiscriminate shelling  by the Turkish occupation and its gangs on Tremisha and Aster villages belonging to Mobata district on  the center Afrin city .

According to the correspondent (ANHA) heavy and artillery bombardment on the villages resulted in the martyrdom of Najib Shiekho, 55, from Termisha village

While civilian Mohammed Omar Hamkulino of Aster village aged 48, was minor injured, was taken to a hospital in Afrin city according to doctors that his health is stable.



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