48 youths join resistance in Kobanî

KOBANΠ- While celebrations for the liberation of Kobanê after 134 days of battle go on in Kobanî, YPG Commander Mahmut Berxwedan has warned yesterday that the threat to the city has not been entirely removed as the operations against ISIS gangs continue in the villages around the city. The YPG Commander also called on the youth to return to their land and take their part in the operations to liberate the villages and in the re-building of the settlements.
Answering the call of Mahmut Berxwedan, 48 young people who took refuge with their families in Pirsûs (Suruç) district of Urfa in North Kurdistan following the savage attacks of ISIS, have returned to Kobanê in order to take part in the liberation of the villages and the rebuilding of the city. The youths who crossed into Kobanê from the Murşitpınar border gate also called on all the youth from Kobanê to return to their lands and join the rebuilding. 75-year-old Mahmut Xelil also joined the youths in their return as he was –he said –homesick.
Azad Hemo, who is among those returning to Kobanê, recalled that thousands of people had fled from the attacks of ISIS gangs, adding that he also had to cross to Suruç after sustaining an injury in a clash. “Kobanî has now been liberated, but the resistance continues in the villages. I have come back to do my bit in the resistance and the rebuilding of the city”, said Hemo.
Another youngster, Müslüm Temo, who has also returned to Kobanê, said: “We crossed into North Kurdistan together with our families. The life there was pretty hard. Now, the YPG and YPJ forces have liberated our city, we are grateful to them. But the resistance continues. We want all the youths to return to Kobanî and join the ranks of the resistance”.
Meanwhile, 75-year-old Mahmut Xelil, who has been terribly homesick, lived an emotional moment as crossed into Kobanî. He said he had to leave the city 4 months ago, adding that a son of his was fighting against the gangs in the ranks of the YPG. Xelil has left his family in Pirsûs for the moment, but he himself couldn’t bear to be away from Kobanî any longer, as each day that he was away seemed like a year to him, he said.

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